// Example Pixel Shader 02/14/2020
// uniform float exampleUniform;
out vec4 fragColor;
uniform vec2 uRes;
uniform float osc;
uniform float speed;
vec3 red = vec3(235,12,38);
float PI = 3.1415926;
vec3 pink = vec3 (1.,.1,.35);
float draw_heart (vec2 _st, float CX, float CY, float speed){
_st.x *= .75;
_st.y -=sqrt(abs(_st.x))*.4 - .05;
float d = length(_st - vec2 (CX, CY)) - speed *.001;
return d;
float draw_square (float CX, float CY, float Height,float Width,float blr, vec2 _st){
vec2 Center = vec2(CX,CY);
float disY =smoothstep(CY - Height/2.0-blr,CY - Height/2.0+blr,_st.t) - smoothstep(CY + Height/2.0 -blr,CY + Height/2.0 + blr,_st.t);
float disX =smoothstep(CX - Width/2.0 - blr,CX - Width/2.0 + blr,_st.s) - smoothstep(CX + Width/2.0 - blr, CX + Width/2.0 + blr,_st.s);
float Square = disY * disX;
return Square;
vec2 rotate2d(vec2 _st, float _angle){
_st = _st - .5;
_st = mat2(cos(_angle),-sin(_angle),
sin(_angle),cos(_angle)) * _st;
//_st -= .5;
return _st;
vec2 canvas (vec2 _st, float amplifier){
_st = _st * amplifier;
// offset and animate rows
_st.x += step(1., mod(_st.y,2.))*.5 *osc;
_st.y -= step(0., mod(_st.y,2.))*.5 *osc;
// change aspect ratio
_st /= vec2(1.,1.);
_st = fract(_st);
return _st;
void main()
vec2 st = vec2(vUV);
float myheart = fract(draw_heart(st-.5, .0,.0,speed)*4);
vec2 aspect = uRes/uRes.x;
st = st * aspect;
st = canvas (st,10.);
st = rotate2d (st, -PI /4.);
float square1 = draw_square(-.2,.3,.5,.5,.007,st);
float square2 = draw_square(-.2,.4,.1,.1,.007,st);
float square = square1 - square2;
vec4 outsquare = vec4(.0-vec3 (square)+pink,.0);
vec4 outheart = vec4(vec3(myheart,.0,.05)+(1.-vec3 (myheart)),1.);
vec4 compose = outsquare + outheart;
vec4 color = compose;
fragColor = TDOutputSwizzle(color);
//updated 20210115 by Jiajing Qi
uniform float osc; //Add osc to glsl Vectors in Touchdesigner
out vec4 fragColor;
float draw_Circle(float CX,float CY,float Radius, float blr){
vec2 Center = vec2(CX,CY);
float Circle = smoothstep (Radius/2 - blr, Radius/2 + blr, length(vUV.st - vec2(CX,CY)));
return Circle;
void main()
float r = abs(sin(vUV.y*9.+ osc));
float myCircle = draw_Circle(.5,.5,r,.9);
vec4 color = vec4(vec3(myCircle),1.);
fragColor = TDOutputSwizzle(color);