Last update - 20240915
Tools is competitable with:
Vectorworks 2025
Vectorworks 2024
Vectorworks 2023
Here are Vectorworks plug-ins for drafting.
Those includes:
* Auto Fill Scale
Update title block scale field by:
One viewport is selected - The scaled of that selected viewport is filled to title block.
More than one viewport is selected - Title block is filled as 'As Noted'
Viewport exsit on sheet layer but not selected - Ttitle block is filled as 'Not To Scale'
* Classes Per LX Data
Create classes per lighting device's data. Those five data sources are: Symbol Name / Purpose / Position / Universe / User Field#1
After creating those classes, assign fixtures to those classes accordingly .
有5种灯具的数据可以作为创建class的来源,他们是: 灯具图形名称 / 灯具目的 / 灯具位置 / Universe / 自定义数据#1
Change LX Symbol Visuals
Change lighting device lineweight, pen color, Fill color at one click.
Assign lighting device 2D and 3D components to a selected class.
一键改变灯光设备的线宽, 笔触, 填充颜色 ,文件中所有的相同灯具也会同步更新。
Swap Symbol Positions
Swap selected plug-in objects' position.
Bitmap Rescale
Rescale bitmaps proportionally with user-defined width or height
Apply size changes on bitmaps/PDFs either on current active layer , whole document or only selected on current layer
用户可以选择哪些bitmap需要被修改。当前设计图层, 文件中所有的bitmap/PDFs或者用户选择的bitmap/PDFs。
Create Color Palette
Create color palette directly from the tool. (up to 10 colors per palette)
Import / Export color palette (XML file ).
Design Layer Tool
Apply pen color , line weight to objects on certain design layer.
Remove objects' fill color
User can assign a class to all objects on that design layer.
Class can be assigned to nested objects.
Purchase Page
注意: 请使用正版Vectorworks使用插件,非正版的软件不建议购买。大中华地区用户请联系Vectorworks 大中华区代理U-Vtech